Publishing the form view files: (NOT Recommended!)
Most styling can be customized in the theme css
Each field has a lot of styling options that hopefully covers your needs, if not - please create a feature or PR.
Every field also has a blade component class you can extend or replace.
If you still decide to publish the views it would be a good idea to watch this package for changes.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tall-form-views
Chainable methods that controls the field design
inline() //Labels to the left, override Form attribute 'inline'
stacked() //Labels above, override Form attribute 'inline'
colspan(int $cols) //12 grid
//field classes
fieldWidth(string $class)
class(string $classes, bool $merge = true) //Merge or replace the fields default classes
wrapperClass(string $class)
errorClass(string $classes, bool $append = true) //Append or replace the fields default error classes
labelWidth(string $class) //Used only on inline forms. Default = sm:w-1/3
labelWrapperClass(string $classes)
labelClass(string $classes, bool $merge = true) //$merge = append to field default classes
labelAlign(string $class)
Input::make('English', 'en')->colspan(6)->labelClass('font-medium capitalize my-0', true)->rules('required'),
Input::make('Swedish', 'sv')->colspan(6)->labelClass('font-medium capitalize my-0', true)->rules('required'),
protected function formAttr()
return [
'inline' => true, //see images, can be overriden on individual fields
'inlineLabelAlignment' => 'string w classes', //Label alignment, default = config('tall-forms.component-attributes.inline-label-alignment'),
'labelW' => 'string w classes', //Width of the label column, default = config('tall-forms.component-attributes.label-width')
'fieldW' => 'string w classes', //Width of the field column, default = config('tall-forms.component-attributes.label-width')
$inline = true
$inline = false
Defaults, see tall-forms config file.
You find the Blade classes in the config files, extend or replace them.
Don't change the array keys.
The blade prefix is
'components' => [
'form' => Components\Form::class,
'label-field-wrapper' => Components\LabelFieldWrapper::class,
'field-root' => Components\FieldRoot::class,
'input' => Components\Input::class,
'input-array' => Components\InputArray::class,
'image-cropper' => Components\ImageCropper::class,
'range' => Components\Range::class,
'textarea' => Components\Textarea::class,
'checkbox' => Components\Checkbox::class,
'checkboxes' => Components\Checkboxes::class,
'radio' => Components\Radio::class,
'file-upload' => Components\FileUpload::class,
'select' => Components\Select::class,
'search' => Components\Search::class,
'trix' => Components\Trix::class,
'svg' => Components\Svg::class,
'components' => [
'search-list' => Components\SearchList::class,
'select-optgroup' => Components\SelectOptGroup::class,
'date-picker' => Components\DatePicker::class,
'date-picker-alpine' => Components\DatePickerAlpine::class,
'ckeditor' => Components\CKEditor::class,
It is not recommended to publish the views
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tall-form-views
Most styling can be customized in the theme css. See Theme installation page
Last updated
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