//In Livewire
public string $suffixInput = '';
public string $simpleInput = '';
//in blade view
<x-tall-input :field="Input::blade('suffixInput')->wire('lazy')->prefix('Hi')->suffix('bye')"/>
<x-tall-input :field="Input::blade('simpleInput')->wire('defer')"/>
Observe that the Chrome browser has support for all date field types but other browsers may give you a non-user-friendly input.
You can add a pseudo class, input:invalid { border: red solid 3px; } or similar to your app.css. If you want to take advantage of the html5 pattern attribute.
Search for form-input and /* Input */ in tall-theme.css
Additional methods
->type(string $type = 'text')
$type = Html5 input type
You can omit the type() method for text fields.
Display an icon in front of the field on a grey background.
Display an icon after the field on a grey background.
The icon is placed before the prefix/suffix, if both are applied.
The package provides three different ways to declare icons
Blade UI Kit icons
REQUIREMENTS: Install and setup Blade UI Kit Icons
$icon = "path/file-name". Depending on your Blade-ui-kit-icons config.
Applied using the Blade-ui-kit @svg() directive
->icon(string $blade_ui_icon_path)
->suffixIcon(string $blade_ui_icon_path)
//requires Blade UI kit icons
Input::make('Url')->type('url')->icon('globe'); //before the input
Input::make('Url')->type('url')->suffixIcon('globe'); //after the input
TallForms bundled icons
REQUIREMENTS: Create a blade view that represents the icon.
$blade_file_path = "path.blade-view".
Applied using this package blade icon component. Available icons, see Icons page
->tallIcon(string $blade_file_path)
->suffixTallIcon(string $blade_file_path)
Input::make('Url')->type('url')->tallIcon('path.blade-view'); //before the input
Input::make('Url')->type('url')->suffixTallIcon('path.blade-view'); //after the input
You can also use the bundled blade component anywhere in your project