This field requires you to configure Livewire file uploads according to the main documentation.
Setup storage disk and default file validation. This component handles the rest.
Read livewire docs about scheduling cleanup of the temporary storage folder
Read livewire docs about saving the files
Add required traits to your component
use Tanthammar\TallForms\Traits\UploadsFiles;
use Livewire\WithFileUploads;
class someForm extends Component
use WithFileUploads, UploadsFiles;
Add required properties
Livewire requires you to add the property for file-upload fields, to the form component
//properties used in this example
//Do NOT add type declaration = Livewire error...
public $image;
public $files;
Validation messages
Set default validation message in the config file
Livewire default validation rules are in its config file. This is fine until you want to use custom validation. The problem is that the file gets uploaded before your custom validation executes, and the file remains on the server. The FileUpload field has a workaround that deletes the temporary file if your custom validation fails. The user is presented with a general error that you define in the language files.
This component tries to minimize unwanted files in the temp folder, by forcing the user to delete uploaded files before they can upload new ones.
The FileUpload data is never available in the form_data property, you access it with $this->foo because Livewire requires you to define the property on the component.
Single file upload example
public $image;
protected function fields()
return [
protected function fileUpload()
return optional($this->model)->exists //you probably do not want to attach files if the model does not exist
? FileUpload::make('Upload image', 'image')
->help('Max 1024kb, png, jpeg, gif or tiff') //important for usability to inform about type/size limitations
->rules('nullable|mimes:png,jpg,jpeg,gif,tiff|max:1024') //only if you want to override livewire main config validation
->accept("image/*") //html5 file input accept attribute
: null;
// saving single file upload example
protected function saveImage($validated_file)
$path = filled($validated_file) ? $this->image->store('photos') : null;
//do something with the model?
if (optional($this->model)->exists && filled($path)) {
$this->model->single_image_url = $path;
Multiple file uploads example
public $files;
protected function fields()
return [
protected function fileUploads()
return optional($this->model)->exists //you probably do not want to attach files if the model does not exist
? FileUpload::make('Upload files', 'files')
->multiple() //remove if you want single file upload
->help('Max 1024kb, pdf, png, jpeg, gif or tiff') //important for usability to inform about type/size limitations
->rules('nullable|mimes:pdf,png,jpg,jpeg,gif,tiff|max:1024') //only if you want to override livewire main config validation
->accept("image/*,.pdf") //html5 file input accept attribute
: null;
//saving multiple file uploads example
protected function saveFiles($validated_files)
$paths = [];
if (filled($validated_files)) {
foreach ($this->files as $file) {
if (filled($file)) array_push($paths, $file->store('files'));
//do something with the model?
if (optional($this->model)->exists && filled($paths)) {
//the field must be cast to array and stored in a json or text column
$this->model->multiple_image_urls = $paths;
This field requires Livewire.
See the "Component" tab, on how to setup your Livewire component to interact with this code example.
Apart from the earlier mentioned traits, you must use the HandlesArrays trait if you are not extending the TallForms component.
Livewire component example
use Livewire\Component;
use Livewire\WithFileUploads;
use Tanthammar\TallForms\Traits\HandlesArrays;
use Tanthammar\TallForms\Traits\UploadsFiles;
class Foo extends Component
use WithFileUploads, UploadsFiles, HandlesArrays;
public $images;
//saving multiple image uploads example
public function saveImages($validated_files)
$paths = [];
if (filled($validated_files)) {
foreach ($this->files as $file) {
if (filled($file)) array_push($paths, $file->store('files'));
//attach to a model?
Blade file
<x-tall-file-upload :field="FileUpload::blade('images')
->help('Max 1024kb, pdf, png, jpeg, gif or tiff')
{{-- these props updates in UploadsFiles trait if there are multiple file upload fields on the page --}}
The classes are applied differently on this field.