
Override auto generated field rules

protected function rules(): array
    return array_merge(
        [ //your custom rules here ]

Override auto generated field validation attributes

protected function validationAttributes(): array
    return array_merge(
        [ //your custom field validation attributes here ]

Form validation settings

// config/tall-forms
'form' => [
    'labelsAsAttributes' => true, //use field labels as validation :attribute
    'notifyErrors' => true, //display notification errors as popups, not just text

// override in component
protected function formAttr(): array
    return [
        'labelsAsAttributes' => true,
        'notifyErrors' => true,

Field validation methods

Fields are automatically validated when the form is submitted. (If you extend the TALL-form component.)

errorMsg(string $string) //custom validation message
keyAsAttribute() //use the field key as validation :attribute, overrides $form->labelsAsAttributes
validationAttr() //Set a custom validation :attribute
rules(mixed $rules) //defaults to 'nullable', Use any Laravel rule

Field real-time validation methods

You can disable/enable automatic real-time validation with different field methods, depending on the field type. Defaults are set in config/tall-forms field-attributes

deferEntangle(true)//realtime validation off
deferEntangle(false)//realtime validation on
wire('lazy')//realtime validation on, validates when the field looses focus
wire('defer')//update field value on next request, realtime validation off
realtimeValidationOff() //consider using wire('defer) instead


Validation rules precedence

class FooForm extends TallFormComponent
    //rules() takes precedence
    protected function rules(): array
        return [
            'email' => ['required', 'email', 'not_in:' . auth()->user()->email],
    //overridden by rules() method
    protected array $rules = [
        'email' => 'nullable',
    //overridden by both rules() and $rules 
    protected function fields(): array
        return [
    //real-time validation hook where you can override all other defined rules
    protected function updatedEmailValidate($value)
        //you need to call $this->validateOnly(...) manually here.
        //see Livewire documentation

Read more about updatedFooValidate() on the lifecycle hooks page.

Field error message example

    ->errorMsg('The tag must be between 3 to 60 chars long and only consist of alpha-numeric characters.')

Field validation attribute example

Input::make('Foo', 'bar')

Conditional rule example

    ->fieldWidth('w-full sm:max-w-sm')
        ? [ 'required', 'email', Rule::unique('users', 'email')->ignore($this->model->id)] 
        : 'required|email|unique:users,email')

Component $rules combined with field->rules(), example

Some fields of array type apply field rules to each item in the array. If you want a rule that applies to the array instance you have to add it manually using Livewire default $rules property or rules() method.

protected array $rules = [
   'topics' => 'required|array|min:1',

protected function fields()
   return [
      ->help('Please list at least one topic')
      ->rules('required|string|between:3,5'); //the rules are applied to each input field

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