
A simple way to try to keep bots from posting forms is to add a honeypot to your form.

  • The trick is to name the field to something that a bot is very likely to auto populate with a value.

  • Add a validation rule that the field should be empty using regex

  • Add autocomplete() to prevent validation errors from browsers autocomplete when the user tries to save the form.

  • Make it type('hidden')

  • Add the class('nosy') to prevent it from taking up space (the .nosy class exists in the theme.css)

Input::make('Street') //name the field to something that a bot has a high likelihood to auto populate
    ->rootAttr([ 'class' => 'hidden' ], false) //hides the fields root wrapper
    ->autocomplete('srteet') //deliberately misspelled autocomplete to avoid browser autofilling value in the honeypot
    ->custom() //make the field custom, to ignore it when saving the model
    ->class('nosy') //this class exists in the theme.css, makes the field hidden
    ->default('') //the honeypot should be empty
    ->rules('nullable|regex:/^$/i') //the form will not be saved if the field has a value

The .nosy class exists in the theme.css file:

/* honeypot field class */
.nosy {
    position: absolute;
    opacity: 0;

Last updated