->fieldWidth('w-full sm:max-w-sm')
->wire('defer')// if you don't want a network request on every selection
->rules(['nullable', Rule::in(array_values($options))]);
Uses @entangle. Is deferred by default.
MultiSelect::make('Multi Select')
->deferEntangle(false)//remove if you want the field to be deferred
->fieldWidth('w-full sm:max-w-sm')
->wire('defer')// if you don't want a network request on every selection
->rules(['nullable', Rule::in(collect($options)->values()->implode(','))]);
value is a string
Livewire example
public null|string $select = 'bl';
public array $options = ['wf' => 'Wifi', 'bl' => 'Bluetooth', 'eth' => 'Ethernet'];
public array $multiselect = ['bl'];
public array $options = ['wf' => 'Wifi', 'bl' => 'Bluetooth', 'eth' => 'Ethernet'];
->options(['Wifi' => 'wf', 'Bluetooth' => 'bl', 'Ethernet' => 'eth'])
->custom() //save the data with saveFoo() event hook
->fieldWidth('w-full sm:max-w-sm')"
//or extend the blade class
A list or flat key => value based Array, Collection or Closure.
OBSERVE: if you use a callable, it will be executed on EVERY re-render of the component! Maybe you should consider setting the $options in mount() instead?
Tip: use a component method that returns an array; ->options($this->someMethod())