Based on Croppie JS
in the head of your app layout,@stack('scripts')
after Livewire and AlpineJS script tags.Based on Croppie JS,

Existing files
This field loads an existing image if it is a valid image url. It is up to you to load the field correctly and save the field value as a valid url.
updatedFoo() - update existing images
The hook is emitted when an existing image is deleted.
The ImageCropper generates a base64 png
Additional methods
->dropZoneHelp(string $text)
->fileInfo(string $text)
->uploadButton(string $text)
Pushes (once) external (cdn-links) for required scripts and styles to your layout
Not included by default
Omit this method if you import the scripts yourself,
->thumbnail(string $class)
Image preview size (class) in relation to its container.
Default =
w-full h-full
->width(int $pixels)
Cropper width in pixels
->height(int $pixels)
Cropper height in pixels
Circular cropper shape
Square cropper shape
Last updated
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