Form attributes related to form slots. Defaults are set in the config file
protected function formAttr(): array
return [
'beforeFormView' => 'path/your-blade-view-name', //@include a blade view before the form, above the $headView/$formTitle, $formSubtitle slots
'afterFormView' => 'path/your-blade-view-name', //@include a blade view after the form, below the buttons.
'headView' => 'path/your-blade-view-name', //@include a blade view in the $headView form slot, above the form. Disregards $wrapWithView
'formTitle' => 'string', //displayed above the form if !$headView or !$wrapWithView
'formSubtitle' => 'string', //displayed above the form, below the $formTitle, if !$headView or !$wrapWithView
'footerView' => 'path/your-blade-view-name', //@include a blade view in the $footerView form slot, above the buttons
'formFooterTitle' => 'string', //displayed above the buttons if !$footerView
'formFooterSubtitle' => '', //displayed above the buttons, below the $formFooterTitle, if !$footerView
//See "Layouts vs Wrapper" page
'wrapWithView' => true,
'wrapViewPath' => config('tall-forms.wrap-view-path'),
'layout' => '',
Tip, custom scripts
$afterFormView or $beforeFormView are nice slots to include scripts in combination with some input attributes.