Without buttons

requires an Eloquent Model

If you want your buttons elsewhere

Sometimes you want the form buttons placed outside of the form template.

Create the form

Command option --action=no-buttons will set the component to extend TallFormWithoutButtons. See Standard form, for more options

php artisan make:tall-form UserWithoutButtons --action=no-buttons --model=User

namespace App\Http\Livewire\Forms;

use App\User;
use Tanthammar\TallForms\Input;
use Tanthammar\TallForms\TallFormWithoutButtons;

class UserWithoutButtons extends TallFormWithoutButtons
    //TODO set your view path.name here
    protected string $view = 'livewire.without-buttons';

    public function mount(?User $user)

    protected function formAttr(): array
        return [
            'formTitle' => "Form without buttons",

    // OPTIONAL method
    protected function onCreateModel($validated_data)
        $this->model = User::create($validated_data);

    // OPTIONAL method
    protected function onUpdateModel($validated_data)

    protected function fields(): array
        return [

Create a form view

Important the form view must contain the blade directive that renders the form fields: @include('tall-forms::without-buttons')


    <div>{{ $form->formTitle }}</div>
    <div class="px-6 sm:px-0 tf-form">
        <form x-data wire:submit.prevent="saveAndStay" novalidate> {{-- novalidate = block browser validation that prevents form submission before backend validation --}}
            {{—— mandatory: renders the form fields, without buttons --}}
            {{-- optional: add $dispatch 'replace-errors' to the submit button, if you want to display error message notifications --}}
            <button type="submit" x-on:click="$dispatch( 'replace-errors', {{ tfjs::from($errors->all()) }} )">Submit</button>

Create a route view


    <livewire:forms.user-without-buttons :user="\App\User::first() ?? new \App\User" />

Create a route


Route::view('/without-buttons', 'without-buttons')->name('without-buttons');

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